Monday, June 22, 2009

The Lady's not for Burning

Amy Birk, an American citizen, called to serve this illustrious nation and preserve its august stature— the vision set forth by our founders, who, in exercising their knowledge of human nature, bestowed on our people a governing structure that sought to exalt the individual, to enable him to prosper by his own means: his ingenuity, his thrift and his rational self interest. In subscribing to this vision, generations of Americans plumbed the depths of their spirit and ascended to the highest tiers of success, dripping sweat and blood until they had achieved the American dream. And you are the sons and daughters of this tradition- of prevailing intellect, dogged grit, and shrewd capitalist economics.

To you who fall heir to this fortune: Beware, the dogs are prowling in the garden and Orwell’s boars have long been scheming in the barn under the cover of darkness.

I shall write to address this threat, even if only for my own benefit, albeit with the natural hope that others have seen, or will presently come to see the dire risk that faces us.

Springing forth from the industrial revolution, our maternal body, Great Britain, took root and maturated- eclipsing the whole of Europe- a majestic island of prosperity and individual merit. But all seasons wane, and by the 1970’s, Britain was but a squalid shadow of its former self. Their strife was born of an arduous war and while they were not prophets, they were gazing into a crystal ball- their predicament was a chilling snapshot of present day America. Inflation rose to 27 percent and unemployment followed; unions had put a chokehold on the private sector and the government had fingered every crevasse of the market, skewing the real value of investments. The government stretched itself thin, making gallant promises to afford social services to Tiny Tim and every similarly deprived proletariat. Finding the entitlement system inefficient, the same administration came up gasping for air, praying that the now financially encumbered laborer would haul it back on to dry land.

It is here we arrive at Britain’s ultimatum, and what would be their most triumphant sacrifice. The Labour party squealed its assurances that the government's meddling arm could provide more dependable guidance than the invisible hand of the free market. Standing tall, the sum of the British people chose not this short-sighted utopian promise, but the Iron Lady.

Thatcher did the only thing that could be done- she curb stomped every socialist tendency in the market. In lieu of implementing public work projects, she privatized every government controlled industry and deregulated the market. She focused wholly on supply-side economics, lowering taxes and fueling competition. The Tories kicked trade unions in the teeth; they employed every possible means to halt inflation. The British welcomed her in and British cities blazed like Gehenna. Stiff -arming inflation led to record unemployment and crushing economic conditions. But DC comics prove oracular; the night is always darkest just before the dawn.

Thatcher’s monetarism restored British products to their real market value. The turmoil gave birth to a resurging ingenuity. Those who were formerly employed in government subsidized industries left to find truly prosperous industries: industries that could stand their own ground because they met real market demands. The mass displacement of workers was a blessing in disguise. They migrated from dying coal industries to newer technologies, and gradually, unemployment was replaced by modern entrepreneurialism. The Pound surged ahead of both the Dollar and the European currencies. 30 years later, it has never slipped back.

History should be a siren call. If we do not heed its warning, we will be given over to a shameful fate. Commendable though it made be, that we have all participated in our treasured electoral process, it is a process that confers responsibility. Obama controls the banks and the auto industry and do not be naïve- “Government Motors” is not an American revolution. If unchecked, he will control the insurance industry and the health care industry next. He will not stop unless we reclaim our power. When cash is tight, it is natural to shirk individual responsibility. Don’t be foolish. America is a nation of people and the sum of its parts will always be worth more than the whole. If a man cannot scrounge up enough money to walk into the grocery and purchase bread, it is most unreasonable to assume that he will produce enough cash to hire the government to walk into the grocery, purchase the bread, and deliver it to his dinner table. Americans feed their own families and furnish their own homes. It has always been so; Americans have never been weak.

The tide of socialism will crush America under its feet if we do not stand to face it. So in the spirit of Paul, Greet one another with a Holy Kiss, however the custom manifests itself in our postmodern world- and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your protestant work ethic is being underwritten at every turn.

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